Parent Education Workshops
and How To Listen so Kids Will Talk
How To Talk so Kids will Listen
This six-week popular parenting workshop, facilitated by our Family Life Educator
will give parents and caregivers practical, effective methods of communication that
will make your relationship with children of all ages less stressful and more rewarding.
'How To Talk...' whether the world-renowned books or the video workshop shows
parents by example how we typically deny children’s feelings, fail to get them to
cooperate because we just seem to nag at them, or fumble with disciplining and
positive behaviour guidance.
This video series helps parents get a handle on how they relate to their kids. And then
the parents find that their kids’ behaviors change! Participants learn skills that make life with children easier and more satisfying. The skills build on each other, week by week, and parents practice each new set of skills between sessions.
Engage your child’s willing cooperation.
Six ways to help kids cooperate, from describing what you see, to describing what you feel. -
Help your child develop a realistic and positive self-image.
Learn ways to help kids experience themselves as separate, capable, and responsible people. -
Foster an atmosphere of love and respect.
Believe it or not, there is such a thing as unhelpful praise.
In this session we experience how that kind of praise really feels,
and learn about ways to give helpful praise. -
Cope with your child’s negative feelings.
Too often parents deny their children’s feelings with things like,
“Oh, don’t be silly, you don’t hate Grandma! Grandma loves you.” -
Resolve conflicts peacefully.
Discipline without hurting or alienating.
No more grounding or taking away the video this session we learn four simple skills to use in place of the classic ‘punishments’.
"I'm calmer and everyone notices it."
“It has changed my whole way of thinking as far as how to talk to my kids. I think it’s great and would recommend it to anyone with children, no matter what the age.”
“My children told me I’ve become a much better mommy.”
Participants learn to talk to their children in less stressful and more rewarding ways. The group format is fun and insightful; parents find out that other parents struggle just like they do, and sharing experiences and ideas flows easily. It is definitely more effective if both parents attend the workshop, but is not necessary. Parents often reveal that these skills work on their partners, too!
“My house is more peaceful since I’ve taken this course.”
How To Stop Struggling With Your Teen
For Parents of teens and pre-teens (ages 10-12) get a jump on the teen years!
In this five-week (two-hour sessions) parent program, you will find out you are not alone in your feelings and frustrations - all parents have struggles with teens! 'How To Stop Struggling' is a program which takes place in a comfortable group setting and is a great way to relieve your stress, get information, share with others, learn new skills, and better ways to deal with your teens! Believe it or not, sometimes the changes you can make are pretty simple, and make a huge difference in your family life.
Topics include:
How to make YOUR life happy
Sorting out who owns the problem(s)
Communication skills
Asserting your rights
Negotiating agreements
Taking action when agreements don’t work.
For more information or to register for the next Session, please call the Family Centre at:
"I really enjoyed this program. It was infromative and was presented in a very relaxed & interactive format. I learned alot of helpful tips from the presentations as well as from other moms."
Kids Have Stress Too!
Stress management strategies help children to:
Gain a sense of control
Learn how to relax
Develop a 'can-do' attitude
A Program of The Psychology Foundation of Canada
Adults aren't the only ones who feel stressed. Kids do too! Some stress is normal but too
much stress is not good for children - or adults! The good news is that every young child
can learn to manage their own stress. This four-week program was designed to help
parents and caregivers better understand stress and to help them teach their children
ways to manage it.
Please call the family centre at
902-827-1461 to find out when this
workshop is being offered next.
"It was alot of help. I now can see and understand when my child maybe 'stressed' about something along with how to help her deal with it and sometimes prevent it!"
You Make The Difference Parent-Child Interactive Program
During this nine-week parenting program parents/caregivers of children ages 0-5 years will discover how to use every day routines & activities to help their child learn language and develop social skills, feel good about themselves and get their learning off to a good start. While parents are learning their new skills children enjoy a special playgroup just for them!Childcare & snacks are provided as part of the program plus you'll receive a FREE video of you and your child interacting!
Please call the Family Centre at 902-827-1461 for more information on when this popular program will be offered next!
"I am more in tune with what my child is doing. Before I would let him play on his own more, now I use playtime for learning & discovery with more words and actions."
"A great way to meet other mothers and people in the community but mainly it's helped me become a better parent."
"I would recommend this program. It was a great way to realize a child can learn from everyday activities."
Active Parenting Now!
We are pleased to offer an exciting research-based video and discussion workshop called Active Parenting Now. This program offers an effective and unique approach to improving family life. Active Parenting Now brings parents of children ages 5-12 together over a six-week period. At each session parents identify daily family problems and then learn communication skills for solving and preventing them.
What kinds of problems? Tantrums, chore wars, sibling rivalry, homework hassles, peer pressure…to name a few. The workshop's goal is to help parents raise children who are cooperative, responsible and able to resist peer pressure. It also helps develop communication techniques that will carry into the challenging teen years.
Millions of parents have already benefited from the lively Active Parenting Video-Discussion courses. The multi-cultural videos include a variety of families including a single-parent home and a family with a grandparent living in the house.
For more information or to find out when this program is being offered next, please call the Family Centre at
Active Parenting of Teens!
For more information please call the Family Centre at
The challenge of sucessfully ushering children through the their teen years has always been among parents' hardest achievements. The Active Parenting of Teens program is a six session interactive-video discussion program that will give you the guidance and support to turn the challenges of raising a teenager into opportunities for growth.
Topics Covered:
Methods of respectful discipline
Skills for clear, honest communication
Concrete strategies to prevent risky behaviour
How to be an encouraging parent
- insight into important issues such as teens online, bullying & depression
Incredible Years
School Age Basic Program
This 12-14 week parenting program, developed by Dr. Carolyn Webster-Stratton has been recognized internationally by parents & professionals alike as effective in helping parents & caregivers deal with children’s behavioural concerns and focuses on teaching positive approaches to discipline.
Topics include:
Coaching your child in regulating emotion and social interactions
Encouraging persistence
Using Praise and attention to motivate your child
Using rules, resposibilities and routines
Effective limit setting and follow through
Ignoring inappropriate behaviour
Using consequences effectively
Teaching children to problem solve
Relationship building between parent and child.
For more information or to register please call the Family Centre at 902-827-1461.
HWC is an 8-week program using simple interactive activities for parents, caregivers, grandparents and community professionals to promote positive mental health of children.
Mental health is a part of our overall health. It’s about how we think, feel, our level of self-esteem and how we cope with the ups and downs of every day.
The spirit of the program is celebrating parenting, promoting self-care and recognizing the value of all caregivers and their role in strengthening the social and emotional well being of children in their care to grow in self-esteem, focus and learn better, and develop healthy relationships.
The programs’ topics are based on the following ‘Building blocks’
- Building trust and attachment
- Building and Enhancing Self-esteem
- Expressing Emotions
- Relationships with others
When: TBA
Time: TBA
Where: TBA